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Quiz: Stereotypes
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Quiz: Stereotypes

Take a look at the following questions. If you answer yes to any of them, gender stereotypes may be stopping you from being yourself.


  1. If someone tells you that your favourite clothes are not appropriate for your gender, do you stop wearing them?
  2. If a job you are considering is usually done by the opposite gender, do you lose interest?
  3. Are you afraid to do things that are strongly connected to the other gender because people may think that you’re gay?

Every culture and society tries to tell girls and guys what they are supposed to be like. These are gender stereotypes. They can be different for every culture. The main thing is to feel good about being yourself.

What are gender stereotypes?

  • They come from history, religion, media, education, family, politics and more.
  • Stereotypes generalize behaviour and create pressure to fit into social rules that have evolved over time.
  • They do not define the right or wrong way to be.